Friday, March 27, 2009

Long Time No Post

Above: My parents' mausoleum at the Bright Cemetery in Bonnerdale.
Above: The statue at Caddo Gap.
Below: The grave of my Grandpa Alvin (my mother's dad). He died in plane crash.
Below: Four of my Dad's five granddaughters (this count is as of March 2009). Left to right: Erynn, Emma, Lane and Alysa.
Left to Right: Me, Erynn, Wendy, Lane and Alysa...little Emma is in front.
I have fallen way behind in my posting. I have now taken down Erynn's senior proofs because the selections have been made.
Some updates from our house:
We had a nice Christmas that included a visit from our family in Pennsylvania!
Alysa had a really bad car wreck that banged her and her car up. Long story but the wreck was not her fault, the woman who hit her lied and so her car repairs and medical bills came out of our pocket. It has now been nearly three months and she just got her car back and she continues to see the chiropractor.

The ice storm hit us in February and we spent 6 days without electricity! I think this was one of the worst experiences of my life. Between Alysa's car accident and this I was a basket case.

Erynn made a All Region Band and All State band for the third year in a row. We are very proud of her! She graduates May 14.

We made it to spring break and my nephew managed to shoot himself in the leg with a pistol. Scared us half to death! Then my youngest sister, Darrah, who is 15 weeks pregnant, started bleeding and the ER doctor told her there was a tear in the amniotic sac and the baby would probably die. We were all devastated. She spent 3 days on complete bedrest and saw her regular ob doctor. Her regular doctor told her there was not a tear and everything was okay. What a relief!

On the positive side, during spring break I got to visit with my sister, Wendy and her family and little Emma (Darrah's daughter). We went to Hot Springs, Glenwood and Caddo Gap. I also got to have lunch one day and supper the next with my Dad. The girls seemed to enjoy all our travels. I am posting some pictures Erynn took on our trip.

Hopefully, the rest of the semester will have much less drama than the first half!

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